OHS Reunion Meeting December 3, 2009—6:30 p.m. Vaughn Library Presiding: Jan Kupczyk and Terry Torkko Steering Committee in Attendance: Ann Green, Linda Lindahl, Nancy Pagac, Mary Piff, and Bill Radosevich Absent/Excused: Paul Beeksma and Nikki Gregoire Others in Attendance: Sharon Chilikas, Caroline Green, Cliff Green, and Elmer Johnson, Minutes of the November 7, 2009, meeting were reviewed. Ann made a motion to accept. Sharon seconded. Motion passed. Treasurer’s report was given by Ann Green. We received one donation since the last meeting. We have $3,723.71 in bank. PayPal is ready to go—but it has not been posted on the website yet. Linda made a motion to accept. Mary seconded. Motion passed. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Cookbook: Jan read the report Fran had submitted. The draft of the cookbook has been submitted. Three hundred cookbooks with 107 pages and 200 recipes hopefully will be available 12/1/09. Ann will write a check for them. Food: Mary gave the report. Shar