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Ondossagon All-School Reunion meeting - Feb. 5, 2009

Ondossagon All-School Reunion

February 5, 2009

Presiding: Jan Kupczyk

Those In Attendance: Ann Bannister Green, Paul Beeksma, Nikki Panasuk Gregoire, Nancy Pagac, Bill Radosevich, and Terry Torkko.

Ann Bannister nominated Janice Kupczyk as Chairperson, Nikki seconded, she was unanimously approved.

It was suggested there be a co-chairperson. Terrry Torkko was nominated by Ann Green. Motion was seconded by Nikki Gregoire. A vote was taken and was unanimously agreed upon. Terry accepted the position.

Still need a name for the event. Some ideas were given, but none selected.

We set up a meeting for Saturday, March 7, 2009, at 1 p.m. at the Benoit Community Center. Hope to get a large group of people to be there. Perhaps people from out of town will come since it is on a Saturday.

Jan will put a notice in the County Journal and the Evergreen Shopper. Daily Press????

Will need many committees created:

  • Fundraising
  • Yearbook
  • Lodging
  • Benoit Community Center
  • Food Program
  • Souvenirs
  • Civic Center
  • Decorations
  • Transportation
  • Website

Fundraising: Benoit School is in need of improvements. Should we do a fundraiser to help? Vern Gilles said the building needs insulation, a heating system, roof repairs, windows, and he would like to expand the display area. Perhaps could get some corporate sponsors. Matching funds. Have different levels for sponsors. List them in the yearbook and on the website. Perhaps have a raffle.

Yearbook: Reprinting of the 1990 yearbook was discussed. The editor has nothing. The publishing company is not around. Nikki felt it best to start a new one. Didn’t feel it was feasible to take the old book apart to make copies of.

Perhaps include in the book a “Did You Know” section with trivia or stories.

Lodging: Nikki questioned about reserving rooms at area motels for that weekend. She was in contact with AmericInn. They would be willing to reserve a block of rooms, even the entire motel. Perhaps talk to Mary McPhetridge from the Chamber. Let the area motels know what might be expected for that weekend.

Food: Someone has a cookbook from OHS. Perhaps have Breakwater cater. Or have Sharon Margetta cater. Will need headcount for caterers. Perhaps different booths such as on Bay Days. How do we charge for food? One price for Friday and one price for Saturday?

Discussion of beer license brought up. Both the Benoit Center and the Civic Center have one. Perhaps have Mason Ambulance have a beer stand.

Website: Mike Janes has a site out there: Check it out. It is under construction. Could list sponsors here. Have people register here. PayPal charges 3% but feel it will be worth it. Have people purchase merchandise through here. Have trivia or stories told here.

Souvenirs/Decorations: T-shirts discussed. Need people to set up the Civic Center and Benoit Community Center. Huff’s Store replica. Individual sign-in stations for the years. Name tags. For souvenirs, we could have a link on the website.

Transportation: How will we bus people to Benoit? Buses? BART? Perhaps have parking at Dauby Church or at Lulich’s. Maybe have a horse and hay wagon ride to Community Center from there. Put a sign on Highway 63.

Other ideas discussed:

  • Use of a non-profit organization. Vern Gilles or Robyn Lulich would be contacts for 4-H.

  • Friday night music could be Bob Olson and other area musicians.

  • Saturday night music will be Paul Beeksma.

  • Paul thought he could arrange for us to get a tent.

Many good ideas and suggestions were brought up. We are hoping to get a good turnout on March 7 so this can be a reality.


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