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Agenda: Reunion Meeting 3/7/09

We need lots of help in many, many areas such as: chairpersons for all events, telephone contact people to call classes, callers to get the names and addresses of teachers, school bus drivers, cooks, staff etc. Those with expertise in fund raising, expertise & coordination for the All School Yearbook, coordinators of OHS recipes for a cook book , food organization people, persons to take care of registration- name tags, etc, organization people for porta potties, transportation, etc, etc, etc.

Agenda for Ondossagon School Reunion Meeting
March 7, 2008

I. Welcome
A. Brief History, why a reunion
B. Introduction of Steering Team

II. Schedule of Events for August, 2010 Reunion

III. What has been accomplished to date.
A. Civic Center Rental
B. Tent for Benoit
C. Food concepts for Friday/Saturday
D. Web site
E. Intent to do major fundraiser for Benoit school building
F. Class rosters being collected and put into data base (including all students in Grades 1-11 in 1990)
1. Teachers and school employees
2. Friends of the school
G. Music

IV. Work to be accomplished today
A. Need each of you to sign in with your contact information (Do at entrance door)
B. Formation of working committees
1. Fundraising for reunion expenses (Nikki comments)
2. All School Yearbook
3. Nuts and Bolts
a. Tents, chairs, transportation, parking, garbage, toilets, set up and tear down)
4. Food committee (both days)
a. fish boil Friday? Subcontract out?
b. meal stations at civic center Sat.
c. beverages
5. Souvenirs (hats, cups, shirts, etc) (Artistic, marketing people)
6. Class/school employee contacts including addresses, ph #’s, email addresses (Nancy comments)
7. Reservations/Registration /money collection
a .Use Pay pal ?
8. Decorating/hospitality both days (greeters, crowd control, information source)
9. Cookbook
10. Steering Team Responsibilities (Oversee all committees, plus the following):
Program committee (Let us know if you have expertise/ideas and want to help)
Let me (Terry) know if you have a strong desire to be on the Steering Team

C. Breakout session now for each committee (15 MINUTES)
1. Today list all names and contact info for each committee member)
2. Today, schedule a meeting for your committee (meet within the next 20 days)
3. Have fun
D. At first committee meeting
1. Appoint a committee chairperson or co chair people
2. Brainstorm, plan, and make suggestions
3. Schedule a second meeting, date, time, place
4. Send minutes to Steering committee liason within 10 days of meeting
5. Reminisce, have fun

Fundraising - Nicki Gregoire ngregoire [at]
Class/school employee contacts - Nancy Pagac n_pagac [at]

All other committees (for now)
Terry Torkko
torkkoconsulting [at]


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