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OHS Reunion Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

OHS Reunion Steering Committee Meeting
April 25, 2009

Presiding: Jan Lumberg Kupczyk and Terry Torkko
Others in Attendance: Paul Beeksma, Nikki Panasuk Gregoire, Linda Nelson Lindahl, Nancy Pagac, Bill Radosevich
Guest: Fran Bizub Snippen
Excused: Ann Bannister Green

Minutes of the March 7, 2009, meeting were reviewed. Nikki made a motion to accept; Linda seconded.

Treasurer’s report was presented by Terry in place of Ann. Nancy made a motion to accept; Nikki seconded.


Terry advised the subcommittees are semi autonomous. The steering team needs to be kept informed to allow for proper coordination of committees and executing the reunion plans.

Cookbook: Fran Snippen discussed the various choices for putting a cookbook together.

Received a cookbook kit from

Printing Plus could do it for $5.60 a copy.

David Margetta felt he wouldn’t do as good a job as Printing Plus.

Committee felt she should look seriously into Printing Plus..

Fran said her group would type in the recipes to save some cost.

Pre-order the minimum. Possibly 250-300 copies. Will check into up-front payment.

Information could be put on website. Purchases could be made ahead through website.

Felt a disclaimer should be added that all recipes would not be published.

Would like the recipes by August 1, 2009, sent to Printing Plus and have the books ready for sale by November 30. This way copies might be available by Christmas.

Need to know if a reprinting can be accomplished in the future if additional copies needed. Fran would check into this.

Yearbook: Jan (committee liaison) gave the report. Decided to call it a History Book instead of a Yearbook. Looking for history. Will work with theme that is chosen.

Had meeting with Taylor Publishers. They would do a lot of the work for us— scanning, put link on website, etc.

Could do 500 books for $9,044. Possibly sell for $40. Jan has signed a Contract of Interest. Would need 50% down by May 1, 2010; the remaining by July 14, 2010.

Question if they can do reprints.

Nuts & Bolts: Paul gave report. Elmer Johnson and Jeff Johnson are the co-chairmen.

Pat Colgrove will work with the local utilities in Ashland.
Bill Osmak will connect with the local landowners.
Jeff Johnson will concentrate on the busing.
Elmer Johnson will coordinate volunteers

Committee is waiting for numbers to see how many volunteers will be needed. Perhaps add to website that volunteers are needed.

Decorations/Hospitality: Linda gave report. There may be a person interested in co-chairing with Linda.

Linda wanted hospitality defined. Decided it was any time after registration took place. She will connect with the registration committee. Will have a group at Benoit and a group at Civic Center.

Ideas for decorations discussed.

Will connect with Kim Gucinski Pearce for decorations. Shirley Gerbozy Trautt and other volunteers would be willing to do any sewing needed (such as making flags).

Registration: See if Ann will be the liaison.

Will need up to 12 people to assist with this.

A person has been requested to work with the Pay Pal on the website.

Souvenirs/Theme//Auction: Nikki agreed to be liaison.

The theme name contest will be completed by the end of April. Voting will then take place online and with paper ballots.

Food: Mary Bailen Piff is the chairperson.

Committee is active, alive.

If caterers needed, should be decided by January 2010.

How will drinks be handled was questioned by committee. Civic Center will handle all cold beverages such as pop and beer. Benoit has its own beer/liquor license.

Contacts: Nancy is chairperson/liaison.

Handed out list of classes still needing information. Some of the members said they could help with certain classes.

A deadline of June 2009 was suggested to get lists. Put notice on website. Suggestion was made for Nancy to send out a notice to those classes that have registered to recheck each member of their class for current address/email, as many of the emails were coming back no longer working.

Fundraising: Pete Viater has been contacted and has agreed to serve on the committee. Ann has agreed to be the liaison.

Would like names of local people who are well-known and respected in the community to help with this committee. Other names given were suggested.

Need to develop a projection of money needed by the committees and the steering team.

Decided to have sponsor levels: Platinum--$1,000 or more; Diamond--$450-$999; Silver--$250-$449; Bronze--$50-$249; and Blue and Gold--$1-$49.

A request for contributions will be made on the website.

Legal: Bill discussed liability. Recommended insurance be purchased. Paul thought $300-$500 might be cost per has past experience with events. The cost of defense important to be included in the policy.

A new and separate checking account should be created now for the reunion committee. A second association should be created if and when it appears we will exceed $25,000 in gross receipts.

Sales tax discussed. Pre-orders should not be an issue.

State on website where money is going.

Website: Pam Noble Hawk and Mike Janes chairpersons. Jan and Terry liaisons.

Asked what we thought of website. Some were impressed; some thought a little confusing—perhaps too much searching needed.

How many pictures are too many? We want people to buy the History Book and not just look at website. Perhaps have a Trivia contest on the website—not a lot; just enough to get people interested in what will be in the History Book. Have a Trivia Topic of the Month.

Other Business: Proposed Schedule of Events: What time should we start? How do we get people out by 9 p.m?

Decided to have buses start on Friday at 2:30 p.m. Will serve food from 4-8 p.m. Be done by 9 p.m, possibly earlier.

Music discussed. Perhaps have a band play at the Avalon following the Benoit event beginning at 9 p.m.. Possibly put up a tent there also. Will discuss with Joyce Poppe.

Possibly having activities such as a Pep Band, a golf tournament, etc. were discussed. Need a chairperson for each event planned.

No Program Committee created. Decided the Steering Committee will handle the program on Saturday.

Steering Committee members will have an email.

Filming of schools was offered by Mike Frame. Decided to table this until the next meeting.

Other ideas: Write up a timeline of deadlines. Write up a budget. Send out a postcard advising everyone on database of the reunion dates and requesting recipes. Maybe find out a first estimate of head count.

Future meetings: Saturdays at the Avalon works good for all. For future meetings invite chairpersons of certain groups each time. Perhaps do a general meeting again. No dates set.

Thank you, Joyce Poppe, for allowing us to use the Avalon for our meetings.


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