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OHS Reunion Meeting minutes - Nov 7, 2009

OHS Reunion Meeting
November 7, 2009—1:00 p.m.
The Avalon

Presiding: Jan Kupczyk and Terry Torkko
Steering Committee in Attendance: Paul Beeksma , Ann Green, Linda Lindahl, Nancy Pagac, and Mary Piff
Excused: Nikki Gregoire and Bill Radosevich
Others in Attendance: Adele Korbein, Fran Snippen, and Nancy Walker.

Minutes of the September 17, 2009, minutes were reviewed. Treasurer’s report should have read $448.58 instead of $488.58. Correction was made. Linda Lindahl made a motion to accept. Nancy Walker seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s report was given by Ann Green. We have $3,703.71 in bank. Ann listed the newest donations that came in.

PayPal is ready to go. We have an account with Northern State Bank. Before we can run it live, documentation stating we are a non-profit organization needs to be sent (Bill is doing that). Nancy Pagac made a motion to accept; Mary Piff seconded. Motion passed.

Terry requested committees establish a budget they will need—have this ready for the next meeting.


Cookbook: Fran gave the report. She stated that cookbooks are at the printers. Fran read the introduction that is included in the book. The first printing is planned for the first week in December. We will not get quotes from the printers until next week. Discussion was held on amount to order. Linda made a motion to authorize Fran to order the minimum amount of cookbooks but not to exceed 500. Motion was seconded by Ann. Motion passed.

Fran will find outlets to sell the cookbooks locally. These outlets will be advertised on the website and in the newspaper.

Shipping costs were discussed. Ann volunteered to work with the mailing of these books.

Food: Mary gave the report. Committee is looking for caterers. Sharon Margetta Chilakas would possibly do the catering if Benoit Community Center and the Civic Center have kitchen licenses. It was thought that both do have a license.

Committee has secured the Cornucopia fish boil group for the Friday evening fish boil. They need to be kept updated on the amount of attendance.

Mary distributed a form stating what menu was available each evening and the cost. Friday evening was a choice of the fish boil or a picnic-style menu. Saturday was a choice of spaghetti or bean burgers and wiener roll-ups. Suggestion was made to have the two menus for Saturday combined and set up as a school lunchroom style and to have one flat fee. Friday evening could remain the same. Mary will bring this back to her committee and will also provide estimates from other caterers.

The operation of the Huff Store was discussed. Mary asked what we had in mind for it. Would it be just candy or would it be used as the venue to sell souvenirs, etc.? We would have the original Huff store sign in a prominent place and keep the style simple.

Nancy Walker was asked by Vern Gilles if the Community Center could hold a pancake breakfast on Saturday morning in Benoit. Decision made by committee was that if a separate group wanted to host this event, they could as it would dovetail nicely with the reunion plans. It could be publicized on the website.

Nuts & Bolts: Paul gave the report.
His committee felt there would be enough land available for the Friday event for cars. Volunteers could shuttle the people from their cars to the community center (4-wheelers, hay wagons, etc.)

There will be a handicapped parking lot. We should ask on the registration form if attendees have any special needs.

A map was suggested of the parking locations (to be added to the registration material).

Decoration/Hospitality: Linda gave the report.

The idea of silhouettes might not work at the Civic Center because of its size. Several ideas are still being looked at.

A “photo op” area was suggested. Perhaps use a cut-out poster for attendees to put their head in and have a picture taken.

People might have videos of events that occurred at Ondossagon that could be shown in a special area. There was also an idea for classes to have designated areas around the outside perimeter of the Civic Center to view their memorabilia.

Balloon stomping event was discussed. The liability factor was a concern.

A memory wall of classmates that have passed on will be handled by Tom Brenholt.

Registration: Adele reported. The committee has enough volunteers to help with the registration tables for the day of the events. They will have packets at registration tables on Friday in Benoit and Saturday at the Civic Center. Nametags will be in the packets. Ann showed a sample of the tote bag.

The will use the plastic nametags. A suggestion was made to use lanyards. Perhaps one of our sponsors would sponsor these.

Terry shared information he secured from Erickson Postcards and Souvenirs. They currently provide postcards to the Visitor Center. Some suggested ideas were to sell them at the Historical Society, Chamber of Commerce, or Ashland Museum. These could be added to the registration packets.

Souvenirs/Theme//Auction: Nancy Walker distributed the minutes of their last meeting.

David Hnath will have the design for the t-shirts completed after Christmas. He will create two. A Heart Graphics representative would be willing to come to a meeting to show ideas, explain costs, etc. They would show examples once the design has been created.

An article on the auction was in the Ashland Daily Press. David and Robyn Lulich have been great to work with. They will store any items that come in. The committee is requesting artists to paint milk cans with an artist flair for the auction.

The committee needs commitments from donators.

History Book: Jan read a report from Ed Augustine (chairperson). The process is going well. Ordering information should be available on the web by early December. It will be 160 pages. There were lists in the last Beacon that included Homecoming and Prom royalty, Blue and Gold editors, Beacon editors, Fine Arts honors, sports records, FFA awards, a written history, and a time line (among other things). The pages that will be added will contain photos and historical information covering such things as Fine Arts, Administration, Faculty, Support Staff, Pep Band, Huff’s Store, State Champs in sports, and memorable and unique photos.

There are no plans for an electronic copy.

Perhaps after the publishing, an addendum or extra edition could be created showing pictures of the event. This could also include any errors or omissions.

Website: Jan gave the report. There have been some delays in the website getting populated. The website is the key to getting the updates, ordering, and marketing of the event.

There are no plans for an electronic copy.

Fundraising: Terry gave the report. He reported that we now have enough funds to cover the cost of printing the cookbook.

Perhaps a good idea would be to add sponsors’ names to the registration packet. There could be a 2010 Blue and Gold listing all the information we need to get out to attendees..

Gift certificates were suggested as a fundraiser.

We will need to begin working on a registration form.

PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Terry reported on the core parts of events:

The addition of having the Pep Band perform is now on the event schedule. Larry Hansen has agreed to direct it. Paul will work to make sure this event will happen.

Julie Moravchik has agreed to emcee the Saturday evening event.

The committee has agreed that a video would be beneficial to the event. It is the hope that we will have interviews with the faculty and administration, followed by footage of the reunion. It would be for sale following the reunion. We are looking for some expertise in this area. Jan will contact Julie for assistance. Paul also would contact his brother for direction.

The idea was presented to ask state Attorney General J. B. Van Hollen to give a proclamation to support the Benoit Community Center. He is an alumnus of the school.


“A Piece of Ondossagon” taken from wood floors currently at Ondossagon is still a possibility. Terry will get an answer by the first week of December.

There will be monthly articles sent to the Daily Press. Jan asked for ideas. We would like to have press releases to other newspapers in the large market. We need to seek out persons with experience that may be able to help us.

The Benoit Museum display was discussed. Jane Lajcak Asbach has volunteered to help organize the display. It was suggested that she should contact the Port Wing Heritage Center to use as a sample. She should contact Vern Gilles and the board there first for funding .

Next meeting dates: Thursday, December 3, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. at the Vaughn Library and January 14, 2010, at 6:30 at the Vaughn Library.

Motion to adjourn was made by Linda; seconded by Mary. Motion passed

Meeting adjourned.


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