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OHS Reunion Meeting May 13, 2010

OHS Reunion Meeting
May 13, 2010—6:30 P.M.
Vaughn Library

Presiding: Jan Kupczyk and Terry Torkko

Steering Committee in Attendance: Paul Beeksma, Ann Green, Linda Lindahl and Nancy Pagac

Absent/Excused: Nikki Gregoire and Bill Radosevich

Others in Attendance: Bonita Buss,  Caroline Green, Adele Korbein, Fran Luoma, Diane Martens,  Mary Piff,  Josie Skulan, and Fran Snippen,

Meeting was called to order by Jan.

Minutes of the April 8, 2010, meeting were reviewed. Ann made a motion to accept. Linda seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer's report: Ann reported checks were written out for $6,367.57.  We have $28,460.84 as a current balance. Adele made a motion to accept. Bonnie seconded. Motion Passed.

Cookbook: Fran has been checking the area sales.  There are 77 cookbooks left at the different outlets.  She has 120 at her house.  She gave $190 to Ann tonight from sales.  Cookbooks will be sold at the reunion.    

Registration:  Early bird registrations are done.  There are almost 800 registrants so far with more coming in the mail and online every day.

Ann passed around a sample of the tote bag the registrants will receive. 

There was a lengthy discussion concerning the policies regarding registration costs and if these costs can be reduced if people choose not to eat or cannot eat the food offered due to diet issues.  There was a consensus that the registration costs will remain as printed in the registration materials.  People can choose to eat the meals offered or not.  If people cannot eat the meals due to diet issues, they will be allowed to bring their own food to meet their dietary needs.   All attendees need to share in the overall expenses related to putting on the reunion.  We must also emphasize that the reunion is a fundraiser for the Benoit community Center.  All monetary proceeds of the reunion will be turned over to the Benoit community Center when our Nonprofit Association is dissolved after the reunion.

Food:  Diane Kacvinsky Martens was present to discuss the fish boil.  The Village Inn of Cornucopia will be putting this on.  The meal will be whitefish with baby red potatoes boiled together. 

Some of the questions that were addressed to her concerned who will supply the plates, silverware, what kinds of addictives are included, and will they need use of the kitchen.  Diane would contact the Village Inn and find these answers.  She will call Jan during the week to go over the questions.

There will be a garage next to the tent that can be used for the fish boil in case of inclement weather. 

We had some people call to say they can't eat certains foods.  We need to know the ingredients of what goes in the fish boil for these people.  We will need to know what ingredients are in the beef  stacker also.

For a contract, there will be a draft of understanding written up between the two parties. Thank you, Diane, for coming to the meeting.

Nuts & Bolts: Paul asked that each committee identify their individual needs—such as signs that his committee may need to make.  

The capacity of the tents was discussed.  The tent will need to hold at least 1,000 people  There will also need to be room for the bands.  Paul felt the big tent should work out.  The committee has the trailers that the bands will need.  

They are confident there will be enough areas available for parking. 

Decorations/Hospitality: Linda had a meeting with her committee on March 11.  She passed around a sketch of the layout of the Civic Center indicating where the different booths will be located.  Question was brought forth if there is electricity available to the left of the entrance into the main floor.  The sketch showed Huff's Store being there, and it will need electricity.  Linda will check into.

She gave an overview of the decorations that will be set up.  There will be centerpieces, tablecloths, balloons, flags, and more.  The approximate cost will be $800. 

The steering committee felt both the Benoit Center and the Civic Center should have signage indicating the different years  by decades so people can locate class members easier.  They should include a section for staff also. 

There will need to be signage on the highway directing people to the Benoit Community Center.
Linda is looking for each class to bring in memoribilia of some event that happened during their time at Ondossagon (could be a sports happening, a play they were in, perhaps Freshmen initiation, graduation, or some event they remember). These will go either on a 3 x 5 or 4 x 6 area.  We can only use blue painter's tape for putting items up. The people should contact Linda at

Those working with decorations the days before the event should note there is a time change.  The Civic Center times will be Wednesday, August 4, from 5-9 p.m. and Thursday, August 5, from 5-9 p.m.  The Benoit Community Center time will be Thursday, August 5, from 5-9 p.m.

Souvenirs/Theme//Auction:  Ann reported for this committee.  Robyn Lulich said items are coming in for the auction.  The silent auction will take place on the main floor at the Civic Center on Saturday.  It was announced earlier that it would be on the second floor.  There is no air conditioning up there and it would be too warm at that time of the year.  It would also be too hard for older people to get up there. 

The live auction will be held under the tent on Friday.

Ann passed around some items that Superior Laser created for the reunion.  These included wood plaques and granite/marble coasters which have our school drawing by David Hnath.  There is a small supply made up for now.  These will be available for purchase at the different outlets.  These items will be added to the souvenirs listed on the website. 

Gail at the New England store felt we should have some "Aggie Wan-A-Be" shirts made up. Jan displayed a sample.  She will have some made up that will be for sale at New England store. 

Website: It was noted that Pam is going through some family health problems.  Paul said he knew a person who would be willing to help if Pam felt she could use the help.  Jan and Terry will try to set up a conference call with her.

Jan said how well the Facebook site is going.  She is posting something out there once a week with good response.

History Book:  The first payment for the history book was made on May 1.  There have been over 165 books sold so far with more orders coming in daily.  Ed Augustine and his committee is extremely busy with this project.  These books will be available for purchase at the reunion. Those who ordered in advance will be able to pick them up at the reunion.  Those who ordered and wanted them shipped will receive them after August 1, 2010.

Music:   Paul announced that Rick Seppa has agreed to lead the Pep Band.  Paul will coordinate this with him.

There will be accordion music played on Friday.  The players will need to be contacted concerning this. 
Some names that were mentioned  in addition to Bob Olson were Tom Johanik, Ann, Arlene, and Henrietta.


Friday schedule:  It was felt many people might be coming only on Friday, and a program would be a good idea.  We could possibly have the slide show playing then. We could have the wooden cut out here to be used for picture taking.  The balloon stomp will be taking place on Friday.  Terry would like the committee to bring other ideas to the June meeting.

There was an idea to have a listing of all attendees be located in different areas of the Benoit Center and the Civic Center so people can check it to see who is there.  The committee felt this was a good idea. 

The schedule of events could be put in each participants tote bag.  Perhaps we could put a mini schedule on the back of each lanyard so people could check that.

Filming of Interviews: Julie Moravchik will be doing interviews  this week with  Keith Schmidt, Ron Stuber, Bob Olson Vern Gilles, and Eva Kacvinsky.  CDs will be made up and sold at the reunion.

Julie will be invited to the next meeting to help develop the programs for both Friday and Saturday nights.

Article in Daily Press: The article Linda created about the cooks should be in the paper shortly.

David Hnath will be approached to see if he would like to do an article for the ongoing series in the Daily Press.

Miscellaneous:  It was brought to committee's attention that Kurt Larson (class of 1963) gave a complete set of yearbooks to Diane Kacvinsky Martens.  Diane offered to donate the set to the reunion and we agreed.  After we use them to help with the reunion, we will turn them over to the Ondossagon museum.   Thank you, Curt.

We will have a float in the Ashland 4th of July parade.  If enough people are interested in riding it, we might need two wagons.  Jan will coordinate this.

Washburn is having their homecoming the weekend of July 24.  We were asked if we would like have a float in the parade.  The committee felt this would be too busy a time for us to do this.  However, it is still open to discussion if someone wants to coordinate..  The idea of selling souvenirs was mentioned.  Fran will look into having a stand there

Future meetings have been set for  June 10, July 8, and August 5.

Next meeting date: Thursday, June 10, at 6:30 at the Vaughn Library.

Adele made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Fran seconded.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned

Thank you, Jan, for the special treat of a Sugar Daddy's!


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