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July 2010 Minutes


OHS Reunion Meeting

July 8, 2010—6:30 P.M.

Ashland Bay Area Civic Center


Presiding: Jan Kupczyk and Terry Torkko


Steering Committee in Attendance: Paul Beeksma, Nancy Pagac, and Bill Radosevich


Absent/Excused: Ann Green, Nikki Gregoire, Linda Lindahl


Others in Attendance: Mary Aina, Patrick Colgrove, Annie Donahue, Caroline Green, Adele Korbein, Robyn Lulich, Fran Luoma, Julie Moravchik, Dee Nemec, Bill Pagac, Mary Piff,  Fran Snippen, and Nancy Walker


The meeting was called to order by Jan.


Minutes of the June 10, 2010, meeting was reviewed. Nancy Walker made a motion to accept. Fran Luoma seconded. Motion passed.


Treasurer's report: Terry gave the report for Ann.  We had direct deposits of $2,575 at Northern State Bank and PayPal deposits of $900.  Our expenses were $2,168.88.  The current balance is $27,736.49. Bill Radosevich made a motion to accept. Dee Nemec seconded. Motion passed.




Registration:  Adele gave the report.  Her committee has been very active.  They had a meeting on the 29th of June for the purpose of assigning work time at the registration tables.  She distributed a list of the registration table coverage for the two days.   The work times will be in two-hour slots—starting at 1  p.m. on Friday at Benoit and then starting at 9 a.m. at the Civic Center on Saturday.


The bar will not collect money for beverages,  tickets  for beverages will be sold at the registration table on Friday night only.


The plan is to have three long tables for registration with two workers at each table (6 people). 
All the registrations will be alphabetized/grouped into six lines.  In addition to these six, there will be two helpers behind the workers locating/pulling the totes for the people as they register.

We plan to have at least one Registration Committee member on each shift - those members being Adele Korbein, Delores Nemec, Caroline Green, Ann Green and Nancy Pagac.

Food/Huff's Store: Both the Village Inn and the Breakwater have signed contracts for the preparation of the food. 


Yvonne Hill coordinator for Huff's store was present, and she listed the different types of candy that will be available at Huff's Store.   The Nuts and Bolts committee will be putting up the original Huff's 1 ½' x 4' tin sign for this.  


Yvonne and Nancy will contact the registered  volunteers with the times they will work.  Huff's Store will also be open Friday for the sale of souvenirs.  The sale of both souvenirs and candies will happen only on Saturday.  The booth will be set up Thursday at the Benoit Community Center. 

There will be a table set up at Benoit for the sale of bakery goods by the Johanik sisters.


Cookbook: Fran recognized Mary Aina and Annie Donahue (who were both present) for their help on the cookbook.   We will have 71 cookbooks available for sale at the reunion.  We discussed the possibility of  reordering  additional books after the reunion.   A total of 529 books have been sold already.  It was decided we will not reorder more. 


Decorations/Hospitality: Linda was not able to attend.  We did discuss the picture boards that the different classes will be creating.  The pictures will be displayed on the outside of the plexi-glass.


The projector will need to be 25' from the screen. 


It was decided to use Mylar balloons instead of latex balloons. 


The committee will be getting together on Tuesday, July 13, to cut out the lettering that will be used at the Civic Center.


Nuts & Bolts: Pat reported that there will be one Bayfield County officer on hand to patrol the area.  Mark Huybrecht will be setting up the electrical needs. 


The Chequamegon ATV Club will assist with parking and the shuttling of people to and from the parking area.  Jim Nemec will be in charge of parking attendants.


The number of volunteers to help with the tent was a concern.  The tent will need to be washed before it is set up on Thursday at 3 p.m..  This is a big job with many volunteers are  needed.   The tent will be taken down on Sunday beginning at 11 a.m.. 


There was a relatively small number of people who expressed an interest in the use of a shuttle service from Ashland to Benit on Friday. Fran Snippen agreed to phone some of these people to see if they would still want  or need this service. The group discussed the cost of a bus company at $80 an hour or a private person who would be willing to do this.  We will need a recommendation by July 20 when the Nuts and Bolts committee meets again.


Legal: Bill has drawn up the contracts for the caterers, and they have been signed.  He gave two quotes for liability insurance.  It was decided to go with LVS for $689 which would cover general liability at both locations.  It would include the liquor liability.  

We will need to keep our souvenir sales account separate from food sales account.  Another non-profit association is being drawn up for the sale of food.


Souvenirs/Auction:  Robyn Lulich was present.  She distributed a list of the auction items.  She said  that the items for the live auction on Friday will be displayed on a big screen so everyone can see what they are bidding on.  They have their own microphone. 


The silent auction on Saturday will be on the main floor of the Civic Center. 


Website:  Scott has been doing a good job on this for us.


History Book:  Jan reported that the history book is completed and ordered.  Interested parties  can still order them online or by the order form.


Music:   Paul talked about the pep band.  It was felt that there was not enough interest to have it.   He will organize a group of musicians to play 30's and 40's music before the dinner from  3-4 p.m.


We need a list of who would be willing to play the accordion between 4-7 p.m.  Perhaps we could have iPod music.  The two live bands will be playing from 8:30 p.m.-midnight.  




Parade:  The 4th of July parade went well.  It was a fun time.  It was nice to see the people in the crowds who cheered for us.


Friday program:  The program will start at 7 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. Don Slicer has agreed to  emcee  and introduce the performers / events.  And will introduce Julie Moravchik who will present  the Friday "Program."  It  will consist of welcoming the people, the audience singing the school song, Keith Schmidt talking about the history of Ondossagon, the introduction of the Steering Committee, Reino Hill releasing doves in memory of our deceased classmates, and helping classmates find each other in specified areas under the tent.


The auction will start at 7:30 p.m.


After some discussion it was decided that we would charge a $10 admission fee for walk-ins beginning at the 2 p.m. starting time for those people who do not want to eat the meal.  They would also not be given a grab bag.  There will not be any discounts for the walk-ins on Saturday due to space limitations at the Bay Area Civic Center.  They will be charged $40.00 to be admitted on that evening.


We will put in the Daily Press the revised program schedule for Friday night.


Saturday program: Paul Beeksma has agreed to do the introduction of Julie.   The school song will be sung.   There will be a proclamation made by J. B. Van Hollen. The video will be played.  The Warren Nelson "Never Say Goodbye to the Blue and Gold" song will be sung.  The Steering Committee will be introduced.  There will be a formal presentation of a plaque for David Hnath.


A 10-15 minute long video is ready.  It was decided to have 200 CDs burned and for $5 each.  They will be put in a jewel case and will label them with the Ondossagon logo.  These CDs will be sold later on Saturday evening after the program  for $10 each.


Article in Daily Press:  Julie Moravchik has sent an article to the Daily Press.  It should be published shortly. 


Miscellaneous:  The steering committee members should have their cell phones with them during the event.   We will attempt to secure 18 safety vest for the Steering Team and the committee chair people to wear.


Next meeting date: Thursday, August 5, at 6:30 at the Benoit Community Center


Adele made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Dee seconded.  Motion passed.


Meeting adjourned


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